21 December 2007

Lecrae-Prayin' For You

Check this out. I haven't heard anyone be really open with their personal lives on video before. This is real. This dude told the real deal about what he's going through, but it also reflects on how we as Christians struggle with things. The music shows how he wanted to be open with his flaws, despite what others might say about his salvation and his God. Hope you enjoy it, but I also hope that you learn from the video. God bless.

18 December 2007

Da T.R.U.T.H.

What's good everyone!! I 'm happy I finally figured out how to add videos to my blog. I will keep you updated with the Gospel transferred in a way that some of you might not have really experienced. So enjoy this video of Kirk Franklin introducing a guy I know that can bring the heat (the Word of God). Enjoy!!

10 December 2007

Life After Death

Life is so brief, you're here the next minute and gone the next. No one can predict when they're going to depart this world and especially how they're going to leave the Earthly realm. This is a touchy subject I'm about to address, especially for those who have lost someone close to them. Hopefully these words will help someone during their lost of a fellow brother/sister or loved one in Christ.

Let's look at Isaiah 57:2. It says "The righteous perish and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no on understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest at they lie in death."

Let's dive a little deeper into this. The righteous dies and no one really questions why he/she died. Maybe because everyone understands that people eventually die and returns to the dirt. I'm not really sure on that. The next sentence, however, is the key. Devout men are taken away, and no one understands that righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. This is important. Stay with me on this one.

The word says that brothers or sisters in the faith are taken away to be spared from evil. No one could possible fathom the evil or danger that is soon to come, except God. The word says that God is caring and that he knows the plans for you. Let's look another text.

Jeremiah 29:11 says "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." As the scripture says, He knows the plans for your life. So, how do these scriptures tie in to one another? Here it goes...

God foresaw something in your future that they might not have been ready for. He saw something coming in the near future that couldn't have been handled and they might have lost their mind. Since God knows all, He thought it would've been best to call them home to Him instead of letting them embrace the upcoming danger. There are some things that I want you to remember from this.

Christians don't mourn like sinners or unbelievers. When an unbeliever dies, no one knows where they're going when their name is engraved in the tombstone. Those in the faith are filled with sadness, but in the end they know that the departed are going to be with Christ and the Father. So we can rejoice and celebrate their home-going as God faithfully discharges them from His army and carries them from the battlefield.

Last, but not least, use the departed as motivation. Once a person dies, they're gone. They're not coming back. So use the facts about their death as motivation. In other words, don't let their death be in vain. The unsaved died and they were clueless about their final home. Some were even deceived, either by themselves or by pastors who don't teach the whole truth. That's another story. I'm quite sure you don't want to be unsure about your whereabouts after death. So strengthen your relationship with Christ before the clock stops....

11 October 2007

Back to Basics

Greetings to everyone. I felt like I had to bring some things back to focus for a minute. It seems like today everyone is or has lost sight of the binding principles of that keeps us in constant flow with God. So, let's take it back to the basics.

First of all, let me give you a quote from a Christian rapper by the name of Flame. " Be more concerned with being somebody in Christ versus doing something for Christ. " This is a very powerful quote that needs to be addressed. A lot of times, it's so easy to get wrapped up in doing ministry for Christ. DON'T GET IT TWISTED. IT'S GREAT TO BE INVOLVED IN MINISTRY AND USE YOUR TIME TO BRING PEOPLE TO CHRIST. However, it shouldn't be number one over giving God worship. Spending time with God should be our primary focus. Now, you know I have to dive deeper into this. Let's dissect the difference between the two.

Being somebody in Christ.
Who are you? This is in terms of your relationship with Christ. You must have a continual relationship with Christ for the Father to know you. It has been said many times in the Bible that people will proclaim salvation. Many will do many things in the name of Christ, but does that mean that God knows you? NO, NOT REALLY. That doesn't mean that you know Christ either. This ties in directly with the biblical warning of false preachers. This issue was a problem in the days of Christ and it's still a problem now. Some people do many things in the name of Christ, only to find out later that some of them AREN'T EVEN SAVED. Some of them got caught up in the fame of doing ministry that they haven't spent any time with God, and others have gotten what I call 'Christian Inferiority Complex'. This is where Christians get so much praise for ministry that they think it was them, instead of thanking God for even letting them be alive to be a part of that certain ministry. You must have a relationship (continual) with Christ. If you don't, be prepared to hear those words: "Depart from me, worker of sin. I never knew you."

Doing something for Christ
Ministry is necessary for the body to grow and teach about Christ. However, it shouldn't be the only thing we do. A lot of you have ambition to do something for Christ. There is nothing wrong with that, at all, but there are some questions that must be addressed to God before you even get involved in ministry. Here are just a few: Do you want me to a part of this ministry? What is my gift? How do you want me to work this gift? Is this what you want me to do for this season? Am I even called to do this? These are just some questions to bring to God before you can even start ministry. Some people get caught up in doing things that they weren't even called by God to do, which puts even more strain on the relationship. All this could have been avoided by spending time with God, which brings us to the finale.

The Basics
1. Reading God's word
2. Prayer

Reading God's word is MANDATORY. The bible says that man can't live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of God's mouth. The word of God is the blueprint for how we live on Earth. How can you know how to deal with certain spirits if you don't read the word? How can you know how to please God if you don't dive in the scriptures? How can you have strength to live life day by day if you don't read? Do you understand what I'm getting at? I hope you get the point.

Prayer is also MANDATORY and it's a COMMAND. Prayer is how Christians communicate with God. Do you know how awesome that is for man to have casual talk with the Creator? That is truly incredible in itself. We were given the privilege to communicate with God about our concerns, our pains, our issues and even just to tell Him how much you love Him. Why wouldn't you want to talk to God?

In the end, you must understand this. You can never outgrow the basics, please don't be silly. Never think that you have grown past the basics. You are setting yourself up for failure if you do. The basics is what drew us closer to God, why would we stop working those things that have established the relationship with yourself and the Father? Remember there is nothing wrong with ministry, but spending time with God is more important. During that quality time, you grow closer to Him and He gets to hear what we don't say often. You love Him. Take it back to the basics.

17 September 2007

Distractions in Relationships

Greetings to everyone. Today's topic is distractions. When I say distractions, I'm speaking of relationships that are keeping you from spending time with God. Let's take a quick look at Galatians 5:7-9. These verses (in NIV) reads, "You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion doesn't come the one who calls you. A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." That sounds deep huh? Let's break this down.

Verse 7: "You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?" This verse comes in the past tense tone, meaning this is how it was at first or in the beginning. You were doing well, you were reading your bible, praying and fellowshipping with other believers. In short, you were trying to keep the relationship hot between you and God, but someone got in the way. Someone cut in front of you and blocked your ability to see God. In other words, somebody took your attention off of God and made you lose focus. More importantly, this someone made you live or act in a manner that contradicts the absolute truths of God.

Verse 8: "That kind of persuasion doesn't come the one who calls you." This verse is simply saying that God would never give you "friends" that would keep you from obeying his truths. God hates sin and He wouldn't put you around people that would eat away at your love for Him and cause you to sin against Him. Don't be deceived people.

Verse 9: "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." The best way to explain this is to use another example. Take a dirty sock and place it in a drawer with clean socks and what happens? Does the stinky sock get smothered with a clean aroma? The answer is no. The exact opposite happens. The clean socks get smothered with the stench and funk of the dirty sock. Well, the same thing happens in the spiritual. Sin in one area of your life will eventually spread to all areas of your life, if you don't kill it off.

So in the end, be careful of who you hang around and pray that God will put around people that will push/motivate you to stay close to God. I hope that you make the right decision.

17 August 2007

Awakening To Ministry

School is about to begin next week, so that means it's time to hit the ground running. Not only in the classrooms, but also in ministry. I know Ole Miss is going to be overrun with new freshman and that means new potential souls to be awakened. You have to get them while they're young.

What's your idea of Christianity? I've come across people who think Christianity is just Sunday service, bible study and maybe choir practice (if you can sing). Christianity is more than that. Christians represent the living God who (us, Christians) were justified through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We don't see that very often though. We have become like the Israelites, exclusive instead of inclusive.

Christ commanded us to go make disciples. In order to do that, we have to relate to people (not in the sexual context). We can't make disciples if we get the "big head". There are Christians who become bigger than themselves when they get saved and won't even look at, associate with, or even speak to certain people if they don't have that "saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost" aura about them. That perfectly describes people with the selfish salvation syndrome. Selfish salvation is simply people who get saved, but won't share the gospel with unbelievers, who won't dig deep to help someone out of their sin. Salvation was never meant just for self.

People with this syndrome are often worried about their reputation. Read this very carefully... our reputation means nothing to majority of people. Let me explain this. Some people claim to be your friend, your boy or your homey not for who you are as a person. Most people only claim to be your friend because of what you could possibly do for them. That's not a real friend. So if that be the case, why would you try to uphold a reputation for people who won't be there when you need them in the end? WHY????

Why do we avoid being seen with the homosexual/lesbian who's trying to be free from that spirit? Why do we stay away from the neighborhood (or campus) whore who's been around the block a few times, but has a strong desire to make change, to be freed from the guilt of her/his past sins? Proverbs 22:1 says, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." That scripture's context describes a man or woman whose delight is in the Lord, who never participates in sin, who never delights in sin with sinful people. That doesn't mean you don't minister to people who are in sin's grip. Remember, the Bible never contradicts itself.

The purpose of being saved is to know Christ for yourself and to be used by Him as a tool to draw all men to the light of Christ that was lit in you when you surrendered your life to Him. The bible says that man's righteousness (in its entirety) is that of a filthy rag. In other words, what mankind deems as righteous is equal to a filthy, stinking, nasty, moldy towel in God's eyes (Ewwww.... yuck!!!). We have to put aside our reputation (which more or less was given by man's standards instead of being tried and proven by God). Now is the time to awaken to what God deems as righteous. Welcome to real ministry. God bless.

29 July 2007

A New Journey

What's good! I'm going to keep this short. I've wanted to expand my gift to other areas. I want to expand my gift so I can reach different audiences (for ministry first, sales second). I truly believe that stepping out on faith was a blessing that allowed me to get my foot in the door with my first book. I won't stop writing books, the second one is already in the pre-production stages. Now I'm going to expand to another area such as recording (mainly poetry, maybe rap). I plan to get that started real soon. I just wanted to encourage you to either start working your gift now, or to take your gift to the next level. Remember, you will be held accountable for your gift and you will have to answer to God on Judgment Day. Grace and Peace.

20 July 2007

Interesting Thought

Lend a Helping Hand

This has been on my mind for a long time and I just wanted to quickly share it with you. Let's look at Galatians 6:1.

Galatians 6:1 says, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted." When I'm watching TV or hear things from the streets, sometimes I hear about Christians getting caught up in sin. Everyone sins at times, no one is perfect, even though the goal is to strive for perfection. When a Christian sins, however, people bring the hammer down. God said that we, who are spiritual (not the pagans), are supposed to restore him/her. In other words, we need to be TALK to them. The best way to do that, from what I've seen, is to paint the picture. We need to explain why what they did was wrong thoroughly (with scripture), the affects it will have on the ministry of Christ, REPENT (an absolute must) and motivate them to do better. The most famous responses I hear from other people when Christians fall is "I knew he/she was fake" or "All Christians are hypocrites." Instead of joining the peanut gallery and smashing down on the person, help them to UNDERSTAND.

Now be careful of who you are dealing with. The second half of the verse says watch yourself or you may be tempted. That could possibly mean that if you're not strong in the faith, you could give in to temptation and commit the same sin of the person who fell. I'm not entirely sure (that's why it's highly important that you communicate with your Pastor, Youth Leader, or Minister).

We (Christians) are the body of Christ. We are like family, brothers and sisters in the faith. A body, team, or organization is only as strong as its weakest link. If one part of the body is injured, the rest of the body will have to work even harder to pull their own weight and the weight of the body part that's injured. If one Christian falls, the body of Christ will be affected negatively and the growth of ministry will be stunted. If you fell, you would want someone to administer medication to you, so why won't you do the same when a certain part of the body becomes injured....

17 July 2007

Don't Worry, Be Happy

I decided it's time to for change of pace for a minute and drop some encouragement. I'm going to talk about worrying and why you shouldn't do that. Let's look at Matthew 6:25-34 (The text is in red, so Jesus is talking - for those who didn't know).

Right off the bat, verse 25 says "Don't worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear." He goes into the next verse saying is life not more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Jesus even makes a comparison that clearly shows that we shouldn't worry. He compares us to the birds of the air in verse 26. He says that the birds don't sow, reap or store away anything and yet God still feeds them. Now comes the punchline: are we not more valuable than the birds?

NO ONE CAN ADD AN HOUR TO HIS/HER LIFE. Jesus made this firm statement which is even backed by modern medicine. With that being said, one can conclude that our bodies weren't made to handle worry. It's ok to be concerned about some things (but that's a different ball game).

In verse 32, Jesus solidifies His reason as to why we shouldn't worry, as He says that the Pagans run after all these things. The next thing Jesus said can be seen as a testimony of God's love for us. "Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them." God knows what we need, He created us. A creator will always know His creation. Christ finally gets to the heart of the matter, "but seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you." That means if you want the clothes on your back and food on your table, seek Him first and He will provide a way. He always does.

Jesus comes to a close when says not to worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble on its own. A true statement, trust me. Another reason why you shouldn't worry about tomorrow or next week is because tomorrow isn't promised. Jesus is coming soon and know one knows when He shall return. I know what some of you are going through (rent due real soon, cell phone, tuition, other bills), but don't worry. Trust in God and all your needs will be met. So as the song says, "Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy now." God Bless.

30 June 2007

Tonex "Naked Truth"

This is in reference to the actions of Gospel recording artist Tonex. His actions might have represented what he was going through, but HIS ACTIONS AREN'T JUSTIFIED. For those of you who don't know what went down, go to youtube.com and watch the video called "Naked Truth" by Tonex.

What Tonex did wasn't good. I'm not judging him because that isn't my place. Only God can judge and He will. I am giving my response based on the scriptures on his actions and revealing the truth behind the matter. Everyone goes through hard and terrible times in life. That's unavoidable, but how you respond to the bad times reflects upon the authenticity of your relationship with God. "A foolish man gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control" (Proverbs 29:11). As far as the full blown cursing Tonex used in his "dis-record", Ephesians 4:29 clearly states, "don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

I don't know what Tonex is going through, I can't even imagine. However, being the gospel artist and pastor that he is, he knows that he has a high responsibility that he must always be aware of. The bottom line is, we need to PRAY. We need to pray that God gets him through his situation and pray that he gets re-focused on what's most important: giving God the glory. Now is not the time to point the finger, judge or criticize. Just simply pray.....

20 June 2007

Justification and the Law

To those of you who believe in just being a good person, this is to give you understanding. I'm not disrespecting you in any way, I'm just trying to help you.

God's law is beautiful, perfectly designed and authored according to His will. Christians are supposed to live according to the laws written in the scriptures, but there is an issue that has to be addressed. We twist the law by transforming its role into a safety net just like what the Galatians did.

Let's clear the air about this right now. The law was never meant to save you. Its original purpose was to show us our flaws. I refer to the law as a mirror. Every time you crack open the Bible, you're unveiling the mirror. What that means is this; when you dive into the law, two reflections should unfold before your eyes. The first reflection is the lawful (Perfection). This image is of one who follows the commandments of God, who walk the narrow path of rightneousness.

The second reflection is of the viewer (you) reading the text in whatever stage you're in. In short, the law shows you your stumbling blocks to help you do one of two things
1). Saved: to realize that you're slipping in an area or areas in your life and that you must continually strive to seek Him. Endure the process because Christ will finish the work He started in us.

2). Unsaved: to get you to realize that you're a sinner. Since you haven't been released from the grip (which comes from giving your life to Christ), you don't have the power; the power to do good (follow the law in the scriptures).

Let's switch gears for a minute.


The Apostle Paul argued that those who simply rely on the law are under a curse (Galatians 3:10). These people Paul referred to are legalists-those who refuse God's grace and insist on gaining righteousness through works alone. Think about this for a minute. The Galatians had a lot of laws to abide under, but they couldn't. It's almost impossible to keep every law perfectly. They were missing the true ingredient to real righteousness; FAITH. God's blessing of righteousness can't be earned. Why? The answer is it was always freely given. This is where justification comes in.

Justification means God deems us righteous, He acquits us of our guilt on 2 conditions:
1). The grace of Christ that came from His sacrifice
2). The acceptance of Christ by faith.
In other words, because of Christ' sacrifice and our choice to surrender our lives to Christ, God deems us righteous. Therefore validating the fact that righteousness CAN'T BE EARNED, IT'S FREELY GIVEN by what Christ did for us.

The Galatians had good intent (maybe), but their process of righteousness was backwards and ultimately, futile. Don't get it twisted, you do have to work to show that you're righteous (justified), but works are evidence that you have been justified (deemed righteous). Without being justified, your works mean NOTHING.

Well that is the overall view of justification and the law. If that was a lot for you to swallow in one sit, le me make it simple. The law can show you your flaws, but only Christ can save you from your sin. If you have any questions, talk to your pastor, a trusted minister, or your spiritual advisor. If you're amped about studying it, like I was about writing it, do your own research into the book of Galatians. God Bless.

15 June 2007

Interesting Topic

Backwards Discipleship

I'm throwing a question out to all believers; if the Bible is the bread of life for the believer and the word never returns empty when sent out, then (here's the question) why is discipleship (as a whole) NOT WORKING? Buckle in, you're going for a ride.

We all know the Great Commission and what we're supposed to do, but the problem lies in how to do it. Here's the key that I think some Churches are missing. The Bible says to start with Jerusalem, then Judea, then Samaria (Acts 1:8). After that, to head to the outermost parts of the world. If you look study that passage carefully, you will understand that God meant to start AT HOME FIRST. God's plan of discipleship (in theory) was simple. Start at home, in your local community, then branch outward to areas near and far.

Simply put, the Church is supposed to be a center of outreach and a place where it meets the spiritual needs (possible other needs) of its community. Churches will spend around thousands to send missionaries overseas and might overlook the needs of their community. There's nothing wrong with going overseas to perform ministry, we're supposed to go to lands afar and preach the gospel (eventually). I repeat, I'm not knocking sending missionaries overseas, I salute the Churches who are able to do so; however, there's a reason why God said start with Jerusalem first. For those who are a little skeptical, check your neighborhood and see if God's blueprints are being executed accurately.

31 May 2007

His Glory

The History

His Glory. Think about that, we are God's glory. Mankind is God's glory. That is awesome, considering the fact that the angels in Heaven weren't crowned with His glory. We were made lower in rank to the angels and yet we were crowned with God's glory and honor (Psalm 8:5). That is truly amazing.

Let's look at this a little further. We were made with the power to rule over the works of God's hands and everything was put under our feet (Psalm 8:6). Every beast of the field, sea, and air was put under our feet, meaning our submission. Since we know that the Bible never contradicts itself, this goes hand and hand with the creation of man in Genesis 1:28, where God told Adam and Eve that they would rule over all the animals. We were born with dominion over the earth.

The Meaning

What this means is that we were created in God's image (Genesis 1:27). In other words, we were created to be God-like in the Earth, while at the same time, God would be God in Heaven. It's almost like God created us to be miniature gods to rule and maintain the Earth while He was in Heaven. We are God's beloved creation. I hope you can see why mankind was crowned with His glory and honor.

The Problem

The problem lies within us, traced back to when Adam fell. Adam represented all of mankind and when he sinned, that started the legacy. The legacy is a stronger desire to sin against God. God's glory didn't disappear or was taken away, but it was overshadowed or eclipsed. This is interesting. What happened was that when sin came into the world, the glory of God was hidden within the flesh of man so the only thing that's seen is the flesh. This could be why it's difficult to tell if a person is saved or not just by looking at them. The glory of God hasn't been awakened in them (not saved) or it's being covered by their fleshly desires (claim salvation, but not really living the lifestyle of redemption).

The Solution

The one and only solution is Jesus Christ. Remember that we are God's glory. Who are we (simple, fragile humans) that God would always think about us (Psalm 8:4)? God thinks of us so much that He has plans to bring us to an expected end, He thinks nothing of us but joy and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). He knew that there had to be a plan of escape for us, so we could be saved from sin. He gave up His only son to take the place of sin and became a feast for God's wrath (John 3:16-17).

In the end, we have to restore the glory that God originally gave mankind. It's a process, meaning it will take time, but keep your head up. The work that was started in you by Christ will be completed, just be diligent and never give up (Philippians 1:6). Even when we fall, Christ is still the victor in the end.

25 March 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just want to take a moment and share how awesome God is. When I took a leap of faith to do the book, I didn't know who would buy or support it besides my family. All I knew was I had a desire in my heart to do a book. I gave it to God and He did the rest.

On March 21, 2007, I was informed that I am the first African-American student to publish a book at the University of Mississippi. I never dreamed or expected what impact would come from my book. I was, and still am, excited about the accomplishment. God must have read my heart.

I wanted this book to inspire Christians everywhere to use their gift as a ministry tool. I wanted to show college students that if you have a desire to do something with impact, focus on God and trust in Him. I wanted to be a pioneer and God has blessed me to do so.

This is huge. I never knew I would be the first to potentially open a door for other Christians to follow. I never thought that my book would be used by Pastors as a ministry aid. I never knew any of this would happen. I just had a desire to teach Christ in a different way and I took a leap of faith. Faith without works is dead. You can't have one without the other. If this doesn't inspire people in the world, I don't know what will. I pray that this ignites a passion to serve in the most elite army the world has yet to see. God Bless.

01 March 2007


What's good ya'll!! It's been awhile, but let's get into something interesting.

Let's talk about discipleship. Discipleship is something....that's not really seen in America today. The main problem that I have seen is that we have a lot of misconception about discipleship. The Bible says in Matthew 28:18-20 (also known as the Great Commission) says "to go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Let's look at this further.

Making disciples involves 3 steps:
1) Go
2) Baptizing them
3) Teach them to obey to everything Christ commanded

If even one of these steps isn't completed, the process really won't work. Unfortunately, that is what's happening in a lot of areas. We're either not going or we're not teaching. I really hate to bad mouth the Church, but I feel that the Church (Christians) have lost the art of discipleship. Some Christians bring people to the Church, but they stop there. THAT'S WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES. We bring them to the Church to get saved, but no one is teaching them HOW to obey what Christ commanded.

If you think about it, discipleship should be a process; 1) Go out 2) Get people to surrender their life to Christ 3) TEACH them to obey Christ 4) Send them out to witness, evangelize to people 5) Repeat the process. This is the basics of God's Multiplication Table (another discussion for another day).

For those of you on a college campus, I know that we can't go out to different nations, but think of it this way. God has brought the world to us. People from different nations, people of different ethnicities attend your university. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. Just think of it; if you disciple someone here, they can take it back to their nation or homeland and teach the same thing to their families and friends. Before you know it, the process has already started.

We can't be deceived anymore ya'll. The last orders that Christ gave us was to make DISCIPLES. We can't stop at just getting people saved. Once you get saved, that's when the work begins. Leave any comments that you have. Any questions or concerns, hit me up. Peace.

07 February 2007

Christian Test

Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Let's get into it shall we?

I know that there are a lot of people who claim to be Christians, but you can't really tell. Either you don't know that person very well or because of people who don't behave like what they claim to be. Well as far as not knowing people well, that's hard to justify.

For the people who don't behave like Christians, let's dive into that. Some might say you can't judge them because that's what the Bible says. That's true, the Bible does say that, however there's another scripture that verifies whether or not you're born again. Let's look at 1 John 3:9-10.

1 John 3:9-10 "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother."

Let's look at verse 9, specifically at the word seed. Seed comes from the Greek word, sperma, which is where we get the word sperm. Sperm carries the traits of the parent, so when it mentions God's seed, this means that God's traits are carried or transferred into the person. God's traits doesn't consist of sin, but of holiness and righteousness.

Let's look at the other heavy hitter of verse 9. "He cannot go on sinning". What that means is this; you aren't going to stop sinning completely or become the next Jesus. We are humans, therefore we are bound to make mistakes. (If you do fall/sin, go to the Cross and REPENT!!!) What that means is that your life shouldn't be defined or characterized by sin. You know, the people who say they are saved or are always in church, but they're still doing the same sinful things since they were 18. So if your life is characterized by sin, you might not be saved and you might want to examine yourself(SERIOUSLY).

Remember, we are ambassadors for Christ. We are the salt of the earth, we are the light of the world. This light comes from the Holy Spirit that was given to us by Christ. Just wanted to leave ya'll something to ponder. Until then, God Bless.

06 February 2007

Showing Love

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If you're in the Lafayette, Panola, Pontotoc county areas in MS, you need to listen to the Mike and Steve Show. Monday nights on 102.1 KBUD from 7pm-9pm. My boys, Steve Taylor and Michael Williamson, host the radio show and you have to tune in. You will laugh, smile, listen to the hottest gospel and christian rap music and above all else, you will learn new topics about how to live the christian lifestyle. Show support to my boys and check it out.

Now you know what time it is. If you haven't seen it before, then welcome the hottest thing this year when it comes to christian poetry: Poetic Thoughts Coming to Fruition. This is the first major project that I completed and it is worth your time. The book is taking poetry/lyricism back to the basics and being used to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The project features testimonies (personal), encouragement and teachings that need to be heard. The main attraction of the book is 27 bangin' poems with thoughts/ideas for every one of them. I promise that this is definitely worth your attention.

Available in Mississippi areas of:
- Christian Books and More (Vicksburg, MS)
- Ole Miss bookstore in the Union (University of Mississippi campus)
- Promises 'N' Praise bookstore (Oxford, MS)

Available on the web from:
- Amazon.com
- Walmart.com
- Barnes and Noble.com
- Many others!!!

Go get it and be blessed!!!

Poetic Thought Coming to Fruition
Published by Xulon Press Inc.
- Released November 7, 2006

I'm Back

What's up!

I am back with a new blogsite. Sorry for the inconvenience with the last blogsite, but it didn't work out. Now I'm back with this one and I will continue to bless you with occasional lyrics, scripture, and things that are in my mind. So once again, Welcome to the Feast.