06 October 2008

Break Bread: 3 Arenas

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Glad to be back to leave you with another nugget of interest. Recently, I've thought about areas that have an adverse affect on Christianity. This is interesting because there alot of things that are bombarding the very image of Christ, which in turn, bombards us. I've found that there are three 3 arenas that have affected Christianity the most; Social, Culture, and Politics. I'll break these down as quickly as possible. Let's get it in.

I describe this arena as your social life, who you hang around, what your friends are doing, etc. Your connections to people will have an impact on your relationship with God. If your homeys aren't concerned with presenting the gospel to those who haven't met Christ, then that will dowse your flame for the ministry. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can stand alone for an uncertain period of time. You might find yourself doing the same silly or crazy things that pleases your friends, but saddens God. Galatians 5:7-9, read it. It backs my plea perfectly. Be mindful of how easily the social arena can stain your purity.

There's a lot to say about this arena, but I said I would keep it short. Our culture is drenched, actually drowning, in sin. The culture reflects the evil desires of our hearts. It begs for material things, riches, clothes, bling-bling, the house on the hill, lots of sex, etc. Since our culture has this sin-centered identity, it has a strong grip on all of us. Ever since birth, we almost immediately gravitate to the customs and traditions of our culture, therefore shaping our lives to pattern the world. A world that either ignores God completely or diminishes His stature as the ulitmate Creator of all. The apostle Paul instructs us not to follow after the schemes of the world, Romans 12:2. Rebel from the culture that constantly tries to outsmart/mock the God that is just, beautiful, and glorius.

Supreme Court ruled that bibles and prayer should be banished from schools. Congress took God out of the Pledge of Allegiance. Now states across America are battling to decide on the fate of same-sex marriages. In light of this, what's next?? I think that this arena has the most impact on Christianity today. Politics has always been a touchy subject for some, but it's not time to get queezy now. Since I'm on politics, I hope that everyone registered to vote. Anyway, it's amazing how we (for we have some say in the events of government) are always finding ways to push God out of the picture. If you haven't got it yet, pay attention. ATHEISTS HAVE FOUND WAYS TO MANIPULATE LEGISLATURE, BY WAY OF VOTING OR PETITTIONING, TO PUT A CHOKE HOLD ON CHRISTIANITY. Now is the time to be aware of how important it is to use every measure to pull back the doors closing on our God. We know that there efforts are worthless and they make God laugh, but until His son makes the final curtain call, it will be a battle for us on Earth. I will leave you with Colossians 2:6-7, "My counsel for you is simple and straighforward. Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ, the Master; now live Him. You know your way around the faith. Do what you've been taught. School's out, start living the subject. Let your living spill over into thanksgiving."

We as Christians need to be aware of what impacts Christianity adversely. I hope this session will awaken your mind to what's going on. Wake up ladies and gentlmen. Get ready.....