27 April 2010

My Thoughts on Marriage

What's going on family! I know it's been a minute, but I've been growing as a husband the past couple of months. I've really been learning and growing in the role as a husband and applying what it means to love my wife and daughter. Speaking of marriage, I'm rocked by the real concept of marriage; the way God intended it. I just wanted to share my thoughts on this beautiful institution.

We always hear about the ugly side of a marriage; he cheated, got the other girl pregnant, and we all go to the same church/she's one of my co-workers. We've all either heard that exact story or some other twisted version like that. Unfortunate as that might be, there are good sides to marriage, but we rarely hear about them. The world has obviously skewed the image/concept of marriage. The true image of marriage is a man promising before God first, then a court of law, that he will live (dwell) with one woman, through the good, bad and the ugly; symbolizing God's unwavering love and commitment for his people, even through strain and times of discomfort. Now, let me be the first to restate some common misconceptions/lies about jumping the broom.

Some people believe that marriage is simply a contractual agreement with an iron-clad clause that gives way for immediate dismissal (divorce), if the spouse isn't happy.

- Marriage is a covenant. I would repeat myself, but it's already been stated in the above paragraph. If you have divorce as an option to the wedding vows, you're probably not ready for marriage.

Marriage is more than a woman getting spoiled, due to her flawed understanding that men are indebted to women.

- Hate to break it to you, but men don't owe women anything, outside of the realm of marriage.

Marriage isn't a tyranny where men bark orders, including sexual favors, and the women are reduced to a common house slave.

- This type of ideology has caused much strain between married couples. Please realize that a wife is your companion, not anything less (read Genesis 2).

I could go on, but you get the point. I think one of the biggest problems of marriage is lack of standards. Men have fallen short in this area, due to what they were taught. Yes, men who are playas and pimps were taught this type of behavior; it's learned, not something you're born with. I'm not making excuses for men to continue in sin, I'm giving the real facts. Women have fallen in this area as well, relying on artificial means (clothes, money, thug persona) to define a "good man". Some women have resorted to sleeping with men, even married men, so long as their bills are paid and they "get theirs". That's a sugardaddy; doesn't really fall into the good man category.

The point I'm trying to make is that marriage is much more than what our American society has force fed us. The bible tells us numerous times to enjoy the physical (sexual) apsect of marriage. It even reveals that both men and women were created with the need to relate, an area that God fulfills through marriage.

Please seek the real meaning behind this beautiful institution. Seek God first; without Him, you really won't hit the mark. This isn't a how to get married post, but hopefully this will help someone, married or single, seek more. God bless.