11 May 2010

Real Redemption: Story of an Ex-Porn star

*DISCLAIMER* The following message reveals the inner workings of the adult industry to a graphic degree. If you feel that you're not spiritually mature or too skeptical to view this testimony, please don't watch. God has proven time and time again that He can redeem anyone and that no sin is too sick or disgusting to be cleansed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this testimony is shocking, eye-opening, and incredible. God is simply awesome and can't be matched in what He does. Pastor Cox from Passion 4 Christ Movement (P4CM) interviews a young lady who has been freed from a sin that grips a lot of women. This video is quite long, so grab your favorite drink and snack. Again, read the disclaimer before viewing the video. God bless.

My Life in the Porn Industry from p4cm on Vimeo.