27 December 2008

A Good Read

Greetings to all. I just wanted to offer a little something for the fellas this time around. We know it's a challenge to be a man of God in today's culture. Our existence, our path of life, the very title of manhood has been, and still is, shrouded behind the cloud of sin. Think about it, magazines, television, and music have a big influence on how to be men. Each of the previous has their own philosophy on how to dress, how to approach women, how to run a family, and even male-ego centered jobs/careers. Most of these ideals that each venue carries have nothing to do with the gospel. I read this book that really opened up my eyes in some areas of manhood and I want to pass it along to you.

Hazards of Being A Man: Overcoming 12 Challenges All Men Face
Jeffrey E. Miller, Senior Pastor, Trinity Bible Church
I hope the title really caught your attention. This book deals with issues that each man faces (whether you realize it or not). The book breaks down the topics as such:

- Deflecting Responsibility
- Manipulation
- Misplaced Priorities
- Individualism
- Lust
- Insensitivity
- Absence
- Partial Obedience
- Unresolved Anger
- Discontentment
- Unteachability
- Unchecked Motives

Each of these topics include a story from the bible that illustrates the dire need for a re-evaluation of manhood. Don't replace this with the scriptures, nothing will ever replace that. This will, however, give you another means of expanding manhood through biblical terms. It even includes individual study questions or group study for those looking to grow as a community of believers. The best thing I like about the book is that it has assignments. Each assignment will give you a set of scriptures to read, meditate, and even pray over. It's not the "how to be a man" manual, but it's more along the lines of "how to be a better man". I think it's worth the money to invest in, especially, if you're looking for an exit from the same old hardnosed, roughneck, ego centered image of a man. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 4 out of 5. Be blessed brothers.

06 October 2008

Break Bread: 3 Arenas

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Glad to be back to leave you with another nugget of interest. Recently, I've thought about areas that have an adverse affect on Christianity. This is interesting because there alot of things that are bombarding the very image of Christ, which in turn, bombards us. I've found that there are three 3 arenas that have affected Christianity the most; Social, Culture, and Politics. I'll break these down as quickly as possible. Let's get it in.

I describe this arena as your social life, who you hang around, what your friends are doing, etc. Your connections to people will have an impact on your relationship with God. If your homeys aren't concerned with presenting the gospel to those who haven't met Christ, then that will dowse your flame for the ministry. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can stand alone for an uncertain period of time. You might find yourself doing the same silly or crazy things that pleases your friends, but saddens God. Galatians 5:7-9, read it. It backs my plea perfectly. Be mindful of how easily the social arena can stain your purity.

There's a lot to say about this arena, but I said I would keep it short. Our culture is drenched, actually drowning, in sin. The culture reflects the evil desires of our hearts. It begs for material things, riches, clothes, bling-bling, the house on the hill, lots of sex, etc. Since our culture has this sin-centered identity, it has a strong grip on all of us. Ever since birth, we almost immediately gravitate to the customs and traditions of our culture, therefore shaping our lives to pattern the world. A world that either ignores God completely or diminishes His stature as the ulitmate Creator of all. The apostle Paul instructs us not to follow after the schemes of the world, Romans 12:2. Rebel from the culture that constantly tries to outsmart/mock the God that is just, beautiful, and glorius.

Supreme Court ruled that bibles and prayer should be banished from schools. Congress took God out of the Pledge of Allegiance. Now states across America are battling to decide on the fate of same-sex marriages. In light of this, what's next?? I think that this arena has the most impact on Christianity today. Politics has always been a touchy subject for some, but it's not time to get queezy now. Since I'm on politics, I hope that everyone registered to vote. Anyway, it's amazing how we (for we have some say in the events of government) are always finding ways to push God out of the picture. If you haven't got it yet, pay attention. ATHEISTS HAVE FOUND WAYS TO MANIPULATE LEGISLATURE, BY WAY OF VOTING OR PETITTIONING, TO PUT A CHOKE HOLD ON CHRISTIANITY. Now is the time to be aware of how important it is to use every measure to pull back the doors closing on our God. We know that there efforts are worthless and they make God laugh, but until His son makes the final curtain call, it will be a battle for us on Earth. I will leave you with Colossians 2:6-7, "My counsel for you is simple and straighforward. Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ, the Master; now live Him. You know your way around the faith. Do what you've been taught. School's out, start living the subject. Let your living spill over into thanksgiving."

We as Christians need to be aware of what impacts Christianity adversely. I hope this session will awaken your mind to what's going on. Wake up ladies and gentlmen. Get ready.....

14 July 2008

P4CM Interview

What's good ya'll! I had to put this up. It really touched me. Let me give you a breakdown. Sometime ago, BET did an interview with Young Jeezy. I'm quite sure some of you saw it, or maybe not. Anyway, Passion for Christ Movement (P4CM) did their own follow up interview. The results were interesting. It basically helps to breakdown how secular rap infiltrates the mind of the youth (and even adults), to nullify the part of the brain that induces common sense and reasoning. It's amazing what you realize when the beat is taken away and you get just the lyrics. Peep the video and see for yourselves.

21 June 2008


I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have sent me their blessings and support during my hiatus. I'm still on hiatus, but I just had to say thanks for not leaving me out in the cold, sort to speak. Also, just know that no matter what happens, God can still make a way. He can still build you up and shape you. Remember, that He is the potter and we are the clay. Always remember to strive for perfection, even if it hurts, because it will. I love my supporters and I haven't forgotten you. Thank you.

Read Psalm 127:1-2 and once it sets in, think about it. God bless.

15 May 2008

Hiatus and Rebound

Just to let you all know, I will be taking a hiatus. I will be going away for awhile to begin a new chapter in life, but also to get back to what's important. I have to say that I need to re-connect with the scriptures. A situation has occurred that has compromised my position as a light for Christ, and as I grow into a man of responsibility and integrity, I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I have no excuses to give, so I won't make or give any. I won't mention the situation, it will only cause speculation, but it has affected others and not just me. Just know that I will lay low for a minute to put things in perspective. I've already beaten myself up, now it's time to heal. When my hiatus is over, I will get back to business. I want to leave you with something:

Proverbs 24:16- 'for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity'.

I will make this simple. If you're a Christian and you walk right into sin, you will fall. You will have to suffer the consequences, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a way to rebound from the situation you're in, no matter what it is. This scripture really helped me to heal up. So I just ask for your prayers and support and I will see you later. God bless.

25 April 2008

Oprah Winfrey and Eckart Tolle

I want everyone to watch this video and pray. You've heard the Pastors and Preachers across America say that we are in the last days. This video is just another sign to prove it. The video says it all. All I can say is DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE, DON'T FALL FOR THE OKEY DOKE. Anyway, check out the video and be aware of the schemes that are going on around you.

27 March 2008

Real Talk: Sinners Not At Fault

*** WARNING: This is not a message that will be encouraging, or fun to read. The purpose of this message is open our eyes to the current state of Christianity and push/motivate us (believers) to change our way of thinking and do better. I am not putting down anyone, or any denomination, I just want us to come to a realization. If you're ready, then proceed with an open mind.

Let me say this to start things off, we (Christians) have had, and still have, a part in making our world the way that it currently is. I know that some of you might disagree, thinking how can you be even remotely responsible for making the world such an ugly place. Well, lets dive into that because honestly, it's not what we did, but it's what we DON'T do.

Sinner's Perspective

Sinners are not the ones who should take full credit for the state of our dying world. I hate to say it, but unfortunately, Christians today should take some of the credit. Sure, sometimes sinners make choices or take actions that have a long lasting, negative effect on this Earth. In the end, a sinner still can't receive all the blame because they no realization of their wrong doing. Follow me on this one, don't get lost. For the most part, sinners know what they do is wrong; they have the basic or common knowledge that their actions or lifestyle is wrong. What they lack, however, is a real understanding. Why do you think sinners are often referred to as the lost and/or the blind? It's because they don't grasp the fact that they are in need of a Savior. Ephesians 5:18 says, "They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts".

This scripture by itself defines the mindset of a sinner. "Darkened in their understanding"; sinners don't have a full, clear understanding of their backward lifestyle. They can't see the full picture of redemption and the sacrifice that was paid for them. The definition of ignorance is to be unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge. Simply put, it means lack of knowledge of the facts. In other words, a sinner simply doesn't know the meaning or consequences of his/her actions or lifestyle. You might disagree, but think about the people that you know who were raised in a family where sin was dominating. Think about the man or woman who grew up in a neighborhood where hope was found in turning tricks, selling herb or dirty business deals. They are ignorant to the escape door that lies in Jesus Christ. All they see is what's in front of them and they react to those things in front of their eyes because they have no faith to deal with them otherwise.

Christian's Perspective

This is where we come in. We have been redeemed, changed, switched over from death to life. Yet some of our actions make me question or ponder the authenticity of our proclaimed salvation. The Bible calls us the salt and light of the Earth. The light shines into darkness to uncover the truth about sin and draw the helpless to the rock that shines that light. The salt preserves; in this case, it doesn't preserve the sinful habits and policies of this Earth, but this salt that we have preserves the truth that the light has uncovered. So why do we have a lot of dead flashlights? There are a lot of vessels claiming to be redeemed and born again, but why is there no light shining?

Before you think to exit my webpage, let's think about this for a minute. You can travel to any city in the U.S. and see many churches. You will even see many churches on the same block. Some of you are thinking there's nothing wrong with that. Well, there isn't anything wrong with it, if that block or city is lit up by the light that was given to us to shine on darkness. Look, what I'm saying is this; we have so many churches on one block or in the same city, but there is no change taking place. Some churches have been in business for more than ten years, and that neighborhood or city is still in the same condition. Change doesn't happen overnight, but if there is no sign of progress, then something is wrong. From what I've seen on TV and in person, we need to take responsibility.

Give'em the Gospel

We as Christians must give people the full gospel, not one side of it. Remember that the sinner is the ignorant. How can they be given the option to accept Christ if we don't give them Christ? I've seen too many times where Christians give a sinner a one-sided story of Christ, when they need both sides. How can you give someone the good, but not the bad? How can you give someone the bad, but not the good? When you tell someone they're a sinner and the consequences they will face, you have to give them the good side too. Otherwise, they won't have any hope for change and won't try to find a reason to change. FLIP THE SCRIPT; if you give a sinner the good, but not the bad, they will ultimately have a FALSE SENSE of safety. The Bible says come as you are, but that scripture didn't mean for the church to accept people as they are and keep them the same. No, that scripture meant for the sinner to come as they are, with their sin, so they can receive the knowledge needed to transform and pull them from the grip of sin. That can only come by the acceptance of Christ. This is where we take credit for the world being the way that it is. We have to give them the full gospel, not bits and pieces.

The Beauty of Redemption

If you've made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS. This is the last thing I will say, I promise. We are ultimately responsible for the Word of God getting to the ears and the hands of the people. A lot of times, I hear people say they can't witness to someone else until they get themselves right. That way of thinking is wrong and dangerous. I'll explain. That way of thinking is wrong because you can't fix yourself, you don't have that power. If you had that power to fix yourself, then God would have never sent Jesus to be the atonement for our behalf. That statement also symbolizes that once you're saved, you don't need God to do maintenance on you, which is very dangerous. The Bible says that a righteous man will fall seven times. That means that you're going to fall, and sin. So, using that statement is a LAME excuse. If I offended anyone who uses that statement, I'm sorry, but I had to let you know because I love you and I want us to do better. Just because you have sin on you, doesn't mean that you have to hide yourself until you rid yourself of that sin. In fact, that's what makes redemption so beautiful.

God uses people who were encased in sin to spread His teachings. Look at David, he was a man after God's own heart. Yet he committed adultery with Bathsheeba and had her husband killed. That makes David an adulterer and a murderer. Yet God still used him after David repented. This is the real beauty of redemption; God taking a person with an extensive rap sheet and once converted, using them to disciple the world. If you sin, repent, dust yourself off and get back on the grind. No matter what you are, sinner or saint, you need God. We are all in the same boat, the only difference is we have been redeemed and received the grace of God. It's up to us to carry on the legacy of Christ with the full, unedited Word of God.....real talk.

02 March 2008

Christ and Sin Synergy


It's been a minute, but I've been on the grind in other areas. Now that I'm back, I want to address an issue that is prevalent in our nation and culture. There's a certain theology that's the underlying reason for us to operate in sin while claiming or trying to have a form of holiness. That theology doesn't really have a name, but I will call it the theology of Christ and sin synergy. This theology has been perpetuated since the Bible days and is, unfortunately, still in effect today.

First, lets look at the word synergy. Synergy is defined as "the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects." Just by reading the definition alone, you should already realize something. You should realize that Christ, which represents absolute holiness, can't interact with sin to produce a greater effect than if they each acted alone. This synergism of holiness and sin takes place often, but it shouldn't be that way.

The Message
The Bible says that no man can serve two masters; he will either hate one and love the other. That means that you can't operate in both sin and holiness. That, however, is what the world will tell you. Thus, that is the overall thesis behind the theology of Christ and sin synergy. The theology's message is that you can take two components that are completely opposite of each other, fuse them together into one unit to make it seem as though they can function perfectly together. That's why some people think it's ok to be saved and still hit the club, lie, commit adultery, fornicate, etc. They're living the Christ and sin synergy theology. They're trying to have the best of both worlds. This is how the world operates. They have, sadly, popularized Christianity in an attempt to blend sin in with holiness so the accurate and powerful Word of God wouldn't throw a monkey wrench in their sinful lifestyle and seem so offensive to the lost. Check this, that very same message of this theology is its biggest loophole.

The Loophole

Sin and holiness can't be fused together. Why? Simple. They can't function properly when the other component is in the mix. Holiness can't operate at maximum efficiency with sin mixed in because the pure, cleansing power of God will be tainted. Likewise, sin can't operate when holiness is mixed in because sin can't do anything, but die when real, authentic holiness reveals itself. Therefore, this theology that has made a psychological attachment to the minds of mankind , who have transformed it into a lifestyle is absolutely FALSE. It's complete GARBAGE. There has to be a difference; when a person gets redeemed, there has to be a separation from the world. God bless.

30 January 2008

Interesting Topic: Stop Snitching Movement

What's up!!!

I wanted to talk briefly (hopefully) about this whole stop snitching movement. If you really look at it, this movement reveals how sinful we are by nature. The art of this movement comes from the theology that whatever happens, it needs to be on the low. We love to do things behind closed doors, and at night away from wandering eyes. Our sinful nature gets a huge thrill out doing things (sinful things), in the dark so one can see or know what we're doing, and thereby avoiding the moment of getting caught "with your hand in the jar". Let's be honest, it's a natural desire to creep around and it's funny to see other people get caught. I personally get a laugh out of it myself. Everything I just said is just a longer version of what's written in the Bible, "Men love the darkness", and rightly so.

Being that we naturally love the darkness, ask yourself this question: "Why do we protect those who do wrong/break the law?" Think about that for a minute............ Why is that when people commit an offense against someone else, we immediately defend them, even if we know they are the culprits? Here's another thing, why is it that when our friends are stuck in a situation, we won't be honest with them? Is this hitting home? I hope so.

When our friends are dating the wrong people, making the wrong choices, we stand by and let them walk right over a cliff. We sit back and say, "it's not my place". If that is the case, then who's place is it? Last time I checked, a good/true friend will inform you of the real deal because they have love for you. The Bible says to love your neighbor (as well as your enemy). It's really hard to do when everyone in your corner is letting you hang yourself.

Now, let's apply this to the Christian walk. Satan wants us (Christians) to stop snitching. A Christian rapper named Phanatik said it best: "I'm not snitching to get me off the hook, I'm snitching to get YOU off the hook. Can't hold back, I won't button up." Satan knows that if we keep our mouths closed; if we don't give our testimonies; if we are shamed to speak the gospel, the battle is in his hands. The longer we keep quiet, the longer we stay bound. So, I don't pose any answers to the questions I just asked. I will leave that up to you. I pray that this information will simply open your eyes.

10 January 2008

IZ-Real Flashback

What's up!!!

I had to bring another video. I like it and I hope you do too. Some of you might not like rap, but lets look at the facts. The real Christian rappers (not the fakes) are better lyrically and creatively than 95% of their counterparts in the secular realm. That's FACT. Sometimes people don't accept this genre of Gospel because of some faulty belief in the origin of hip-hop/rap. Well, I say this; if you judge something based on its origin, that might be a mistake. The sport of soccer started when the ancient civilizations beheaded people and kicked a dead man's head around for fun. Even the birth of America isn't a perfect picture of Godly obedience, check the history books. Be careful how you judge something....

Anyway, enough about that. Enjoy a flashback rhyme from IZ-Real, a member of Everyday Process, signed by Cross Movement records. God bless.